

Blake Griffith

  • personal internet home page: http://cwl.cx (down today)
  • github: @cowlicks
  • twitter: @cwlcks

About Distarray:

  • Open source!
  • Easy distribution and parallelization of of arrays with a NumPy like interface.
  • Wraps IPython.parallel for array distribution and communication.
  • Not done!
  • Implements the Distributed Array Protocol for sharing data in large distributed systems.
  • Supports different array distributions:
    • block, cyclic, padded, blockcyclic, unstructured, and others.
  • Will leverage PyTrilinos algorithims for parallel computations: FFT, matrix multiplication, etc.

Calculating the Julia set in NumPy

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from itertools import product
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot

# grid parameters
res = 500, 500  # resolution of the grid (n x n)
re_min, re_max = -1., 1.
im_min, im_max = -1., 1.
re_step_size = float(re_max - re_min)/res[0]
im_step_size = float(im_max - im_min)/res[0]

# Construct the complex coordinate plane.
arr = numpy.empty(res, dtype=complex)
for i in range(res[0]):
    for j in range(res[1]):
        arr[i, j] = complex(i*im_step_size + im_min,
                            j*re_step_size + re_min)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff9100e65d0>


In [2]:
def julia(z):
    # julia set parameters
    c = complex(0., .75)
    n_max = 100
    z_max = 10
    n = 0
    while abs(z) < z_max and n < n_max:
        z = z**2 + c
        n += 1
    return n

arr = julia(arr)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff91007bdd0>


In [3]:
from distarray import Context

# context is our connection to the engines, and emulates
# the numpy module object. With no arguments it uses all
# of  the available ipython parallel engines.
context = Context()

# dist describes the distribution of our array.
dist={0: 'c', 1: 'c'}
# 'c': cyclic, 'b': block

distarray = context.empty(res, dtype=complex, dist=dist)

More initialization

In [4]:
def draw_coord(arr, re_min, re_max, im_min, im_max, res):
    """Draw the complex coordinate plane."""
    re_step = float(re_max - re_min) / res[0]
    im_step = float(im_max - im_min) / res[1]
    for i in arr.maps[0].global_index:
        for j in arr.maps[1].global_index:
            arr[i, j] = complex(re_min + re_step*i,
                                im_min + im_step*j)
    return arr

distarray = draw_coord(distarray, re_min, re_max, im_min, im_max, res)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff90b19d250>
In [5]:
def julia(z):
    # julia set parameters
    c = complex(0., .75)
    n_max = 100
    z_max = 10
    n = 0
    while abs(z) < z_max and n < n_max:
        z = z**2 + c
        n += 1
    return n
distarray = julia(distarray)

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7ff90b119890>